Frequently Asked Questions
How does Beyond Careers verify companies for listing?
For information on our verification process, please visit the company section of our website. Beyond Careers uses a transparent survey and reference check system to vet employers, however, please note that our role is as intermediaries, and it is the sole responsibility of the employers/third parties to uphold their commitments and values communicated in good faith.
I have signed up for coaching and/or CV services – am I guaranteed a job?
Beyond Careers does not guarantee placement whether (or not) you opt-in for our candidate support services. As with any recruitment or coaching service, our team will be happy to empower you with the tools and guide you on your next career move. However, what you take from the experience and your success in securing a role is fully in your hands.
I have submitted my CV for a verified job – when can I expect to hear back?
We’re delighted to hear that you have applied for a job with one of our verified employers! If your application is successful, one of their representatives will be in touch. However, if you still haven’t heard back, don’t be discouraged. Keep browsing our job board and partner pages and try again.
Remember, when searching for a new job, cast a wide, yet targeted net!
What sectors and roles do you work with mostly?
As a career portal, we are sector agnostic. Our only requirement is that employers meet our qualification criteria to make job posts. Typically, we attract employers and industries that support knowledge workers given the nature of our business and flexible working requirements. You can find junior to mid-level and senior management roles across sectors ranging from Marketing Managers to Event Producers, IT managers, Executive Assistants and more.
What if we receive a score result of below 50% – can we still list jobs on your portal?
First, we applaud every organization who willingly participates and strives to be better employers. However due to our corporate policy and service commitment to our members, only companies securing over 50% will be featured on our platform.
If you feel that you have received an unfair assessment or would like the opportunity to clarify your submission – please email us on with
We would like to revisit our corporate policies in line with Beyond Careers 6-point framework – how can you help?
Beyond Careers is happy to make recommendations for workforce transformation, employer branding, coaching, and consulting services through our partner network, depending on the scale of objectives you wish to achieve.